Superior Cattle, Desirable Traits. Amazing Value. Innovate with Akaushi Cattle.
Akaushi (pronounced Ah-kuh-OO-shi), or Japanese Red, is one of the four Wagyu breeds.

What is Akaushi?
Akaushi is known as the “Emperor’s Breed.” All Akaushi are Wagyu, but not all Wagyu are Akaushi. The Akaushi breed did not exist outside of Japan until the 1990s. Akaushi cattle are known worldwide for their distinct marbling that gives Akaushi beef a melt-in-your-mouth texture and rich, buttery flavor.
How did this premium Japanese beef breed come to the U.S.? American Akaushi cattle are almost entirely derived from the original fullblood Akaushi herd imported to the U.S. in 1994.
Since then, American Akaushi genetics have increased carcass performance and premium grade opportunities for cattle producers throughout the country.
While Akaushi beef is prized for its marbling and intense flavor, Akaushi cattle boast extremely efficient, consistent production. They excel at important traits, like growth, fertility, vigor and longevity. The American Akaushi breed offers one-of-a-kind opportunities to improve consistency, maintain uniformity and help maximize the gap between profit and loss in your herd.
Breed Benefits
Looking for a new herd sire? Need higher cattle prices?
Next breeding season consider American Akaushi genetics for your herd. This breed consistently produces high USDA Quality Grade carcasses for increased profitability. Recent carcass data shows Akaushi cattle grade an average of 51.4% Prime and 47.4% Choice, which is key to driving Akaushi beef demand with consumers.
Ranchers prize these traits in their Akaushi herds:
Bull longevity – American Akaushi bulls typically last 10+ years and often double the quality grade and minimize yield grade 4s and 5s
Cow longevity – American Akaushi average 8 years of calving and are known for their high fertility, calving ease and quality udders, feet and legs
Calving ease – More live calves on the ground
Environmental adaptability – The Akaushi breed is successful across all climates, including cold, heat, high altitude, etc.
Ready to learn more? Six Things You May Not Know About Akaushi Cattle.
Health and Taste
The high-fat content in Akaushi cattle leaves less room for muscle fiber and collagen, making the beef notably more tender than other breeds. It also contains a higher concentration of monounsaturated fat relative to saturated fat, which the American Heart Association notes can lead to lower cholesterol, the prevention of coronary heart disease and weight loss.
In addition, the high amount of oleic acid found in Akaushi beef gives it a deep, buttery taste, unlike any other beef on the American market. It provides a truly unique eating experience with a melt-in-your-mouth texture.
Download more health benefits of the monounsaturated fatty acids found in Akaushi beef here.